::Jacob changing channels::
Anne: "NONONO, Daddy! "
Jacob: "You don't want to watch the news, do you?"
"YES! I've been watching the news for DAYS. I love CNN. Do you know what I have been watching? "
"I've been watching ALLL about Haiti. "
"Well. Alright. I guess. Do you know who those men are? They are the past Presidents. "
"What are their names?"
"Bush and Clinton. "
"I KNOW who Clinton is. "
"But he was President before you were born. "
"Well.. I KNOW who he is. "
"Okay. Well, Clinton was the President Before you were born. And Bush was President when you were born. "
"DAAAAD. There where TWO Bush's . I know. ::frustrated sigh:: I know because we sing a song at school about it. "
"You do?"
"Yeah. And they don't sing about Obama or the last Bush, but I know who there were two. And there were two Roosevelt's, too. "
"Who was the First President?"
"RIGHT! My family is related to a President. My Mother was a Taft. We are related to the Taft family. "
And then it just sort of drifted off. Mainly because Madeline came in my room and then shut the door, so most of what I heard were the elevated excited things spoken. I just heard "DAD! President Bush went to Haiti!!" And then I giggled at how I don't like Bush and how "going to Haiti" means "going to Hell".
Then I guess Anne got tired of watching the Presidents speak about aid in Haiti, because now they are watching Jonah and the Whale.. the Veggie-tale video.
Most of what I will be doing today is trying to finish some knitting and crocheting, because once again, I am on my back, taking pills and trying to relax. I hate hate hate hate taking medicine. REALLY HATE IT. I have 2 bottles of pills that I keep very safe, and if I ever need them, really need them, I will still waver back and forth on the pros and cons of taking the medication. Even today as I got up, did my stretches and did some things around the house, I felt pretty good. Then the pain started. If I lay flat down, it feels alright. If I sit up or stand, even for a short period of time, I start have sharp and extremely painful shooting pains in my back, hips, and legs. There is a nerve being pinched by a bulging disk, and if I relax and not aggravate it, it will eventually slide back into place (the disk) . If I continue to aggravate it, it will get worse, and likely burst, spilling the little bit of moisture it has left out, and causing more pain than I need. I eventually gave in and asked for medicine. Jacob wanted to give me a pill, then coaxed me with "half a pill?" I finally agreed to just take some ibuprofen. It never really works, but I like trying that first. So.. I might blog some more. Or knit you something. Who knows!!!