Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Attention Sisters!

This years Valentines Cd is gonna be off the Hizzle.

Bad thing is that I am too tired to fully master the songs in such an order that you will get full satisfaction of listening pleasure.
::hangs head in shame::

Just pretend I did good, K??

To distract you: LOOK!! A CUTE BABY!! AWW!

1 comment:

bethbbk said...

You know, a traffic accident, serving up 10s of people with your food, having 3 kids, etc. - well, that's pretty consuming. Don't worry about a CD. It's not like I've been waiting on it for a year or anything... Okay, I HAVE been waiting on it for a year now, but I can wait a few more days.
Glad everyone is okay. Don't worry. Lily will probably be Hennnnry's girlfriend one day and she'll break his heart.