Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Well, It's officially Summer Now.

Because I got my first Sunburn of the year. 

Anne's best friend and her Mommy invited us to join them at the local Water Park. This is a magical place that I have never been to before. A big, flat concrete area with chlorinated water shooting up in every direction.  I decided to go and bring Madeline and Lily as well, a chair, and some lemonade. Little did i know that the heat index would be 103. 

So after two hours of whining, scrapes, a big boy knocking Madeline down and lots of Capri Sun, I decided to go home. As I marinated in the radiation of the sun, I felt colder and colder. By the time Jacob came home from work, I was shivering under our covers. 

I got sunburned. It happens every summer, but usually by now I have been at the beach. 

Can you tell where my tank top was??

It will be a ibuprofen-y  next few days....

Hooray summer!!!

Oh and I accidentally killed a snake in the garden yesterday.  (yes Jaimee.. ACCIDENTAL )
 I saw a snake and went all Sarah Gilbert on it before I realized it was a really good snake in the garden and I felt like an ass afterwords. 

1 comment:

bethbbk said...

Poor Laura! So sorry you're baked.

But good for you with the snake. It was a flight or fight moment.